DNN websites, modules, skins and support

Menu: Blog
Although Ventrian NewsArticles is still a widely used module in the DNN ecosystem, it has no development and support anymore. This has been the case for quite some time already, and because of the int...
At the beginning of 2021, 40Fingers contributed a few pull requests for the CKEditorProvider project in DNN. The first (PR #4383) updates the CKEditor used by DNN to version 4.15.1. But the other is p...
As explained in this video you can add an (page) item to the DNN personabar. This can be helpful for admins to do certain tasks. Unfortunately, removing or renaming items needs to go throug...
Together with Tjeps Digital Agency, 40Fingers have created a Google Tag Manager Connector for DNN. While we hope it will be included in future version the DNN, we made the package available here, for ...
About EmptyModules At 40Fingers we've been creating "EmptyModules" for several years. We use them as a template for custom modules we need to build for our customers. Yes, an EmptyModul...
When moving a DNN (Dotnetnuke) website (or any other .NET website) to a new server one can occasionaly get the following error: ----------------------- HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error T...
Posted in: Windows Server
New DNN Community website
Over the last couple of years one of the major complaints of the DNN Community was that the dnnsoftware website was mainly targeted at promoting the commercial version of DNN. This summer a new commun...
Posted in: General
We released a new version of our StyleHelper Theme / Skin Object. Additions in the release: - On multi-language sites you can now render links in the head of the page to help Google find "this p...
Posted in: Skins and Templates
From our list of things that are not in DNN, but would come in handy every now and then if they where.... Changing the default language of a portal. With Content localization switch on, that is. At 4...
Sometimes you want to test your dev work on multiple devices before putting it on a test server. Of course, you will already have tested it locally, with your browser development tools, but testing on...
Some time ago, Ventrian published their SimpleGallery module as open source. Unfortunately, it was not working anymore on DNN9.2 and up. Since the module is still used quite a lot, 40Fingers stepped u...
New DNN PortalSettings and TabSettings Tokens I regularly use the same skin / theme for simple websites, where I add some simple colour / style variations for specific clients. These clients don&rsqu...
Posted in: Skins and Templates
Ventrian NewsArticles is still a very widely used News Articles module. Major drawback, however, is that is is not actively maintained anymore. The module has been published as open source by Ventrian...
With DNN 9 it became more important than before to be able to address different DNN versions. In DNN8 we add padding on top (for fixed headers) to correct for the control panel when logged in, which i...
Posted in: Skins and Templates
Today we released version 2.1 of our Filecuumcleaner module. The 40FINGERS Filecuum Cleaner is a utility module for DNN. It allows you to create jobs to delete files from a specific folder on your we...
Following our presentation on DNN-Connect 2018 in Limerick, Ireland, we've published the module now on GitHub and our website. We hope you will be able to put the module to good use and are looki...
Recently, one of our clients requested that a user would be able to review the translation of pages for a not yet published language on a website. And of course I needed that wihout hours of work for ...
As Codeplex is shutting down (read-only from November 27), we moved our most important free/open source #dnncms extensions from Codeplex to our website. From now on you can download them from www.40fi...
Posted in: General
New releases of DNN DDR Menu Demo skins v 01.06.01 Added: - Alphabetical menu - XML dump example We also decided to move all Demo Skin downloads from Codeplex to our website. ...
DNN Bootstrap Skin / Theme Admin interface alignment issues
When you base a DNN Skin (theme) on Bootstrap 3 you run into alignment issues in the Admin interface. This is caused by the Bootstrap stylesheet that resets all elements to "box-sizing:border-box...
Posted in: Skins and Templates
Fixing DNN StyleSheet load order using StyleHelper 02.09.05
One of the things that annoy me are DNN Extensions that don't comply with the Default DNN load order of Style Sheets. http://www.dnnsoftware.com/…/dotnetnuke-stylesheets-explain… Thi...
Posted in: Skins and Templates
New release DNN DDR Demo Skin 01.05.00
Last week, Sebastian Leupold asked for an example of using the DNN DDR Menu with the jQuery UI accordion Widget. I promised him to add that to our DNN demo skin and today we release it to the public. ...
Today we released a new version of the DNN DDR Menu Demo skin, version 01.04.00. This demo skin is not targeted at fully styled menu's but demonstrates the individual templates, filtering and oth...
Updated Release DNN DDR Demo Skin
Today we released a new version of the DNN DDR Menu Demo skin, version 01.03.00. This demo skin is not targeted at fully styled menu's but demonstrates the individual templates, filtering and oth...
Last year we developed an application for one the divisions within a Dutch medical university. The application truly showed the strength of DNN as a web application framework. This particular applica...
On a specific DNN 5.6.8 portal we had a strange issue. With one language it caused a 500 error on the other one it did not. Setting CustomErrors to "off" did not show more info. I tracked th...
Posted in: DNN Applications
DNN7 Styling issues: z-index of Module Actions
I am currently testing some client skins for the upgrade to DNN 7 as both default.css and the Module action icons have changed since DNN 6. I have a z-index issues and here's what I found out and ...
Posted in: Skins and Templates
Nota bene: er is ook een Nederlandstalige versie van deze blogpost. Update: the crossposted version of this post on DotNetNuke.com contains some interesting comments. Over the past few mon...
When developing a custom skin for clients, in many cases there are texts in the skin that the Content Editor should be able to edit, but only "once". We normally add an extra Pane to the sk...
Posted in: Skins and Templates
DotNetNuke normally sends out email on numerous occasions. In your development environment you mostly don't have an email server set up so these emails are not really sent. In some cases I do need to ...
This is the documentation for the of the new Style Helper skin object. This is a skin object I started in 2007, but never got to making it releasable. And now i decided I should finally fini...
Posted in: Skins and Templates
We just released version 02.06.03 of our StyleHelper skin object for DotNetNuke 5.3+ on codeplex. This is final release after some beta releases following version 02.05.00. This release includes som...
Posted in: Skins and Templates
Introduction Recently, Datasprings added, upon the request of one of our clients, the possibility to use iDeal as payment provider in its module Dynamic Forms. Dynamic Forms already contained support ...
New in version 02.05.00 Mobile Redirect We added a way to redirect query string parameters. They can now be copied from the orignal URL to the Redirect URL. For that I extended the RedirectTo attri...
Posted in: Skins and Templates
In DotNetNuke 6.1, the remove CSS functionality of our StyleHelper Skin Object stopped working. In this blog post I'll explain why and the solution. In short, in DNN 6.1 you can remove all styles...
Posted in: Skins and Templates
Adding a Print stylesheet to your Dotnetnuke Skin
As you can read in my previous blog, there's an issue with the DotNetNuke core print skin object in DotNetNuke 6.1. I'm sure this will be solved in a future version, but there is a workaroun...
Posted in: Skins and Templates
Print and RSS action icons in DNN 6, a solution
Because of changes to the action menu in DNN 6, the Print and RSS feed icons don't work anymore. At first I didn't notice this as they do work if the user is logged in, but for an a...
Posted in: Skins and Templates
Update: Raphael Müller reported a bug in v 02.02.00. It got fixed and we released v 02.02.01 New: Filenames for Css & JS Files templatable The 40Fingers DotNetNuke Style Helper skin object no...
Posted in: Skins and Templates
Today I discoverd a bug in the Style Helper Skin Object 02.00.00. The "IfMobil" attribute, used to detect if a bowser is a mobile browser or not, did not always detect the browser correctly. This issu...
Posted in: Skins and Templates
Today I released a new version of the 40Fingers Style Helper skin object for DotNetNuke.. The main enhancements are for DNN mobile skins / websites. I made detection of mobile browser much easier and ...
Posted in: Skins and Templates
Note: since there’s quite a lot of content on Visual Studio LightSwitch available in English on the web already, I decided to publish this series in Dutch. Note 2: This is a crosspost from my personal...
Posted in: General
Only a few days left before DevDays11 will start in The Netherlands, and while a large part of my schedule is fixed already I decided to run through the agenda and pick a few sessions anyway. My main ...
Posted in: General
We found a bug in the Style Helper DotNetNuke skin object. In certain conditions you could get an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object error" error, if you use the BodyClass attribute...
Posted in: Skins and Templates
I released a new version of the stylehelper skin object for DotNetNuke on codeplex. It contains a minor bug fix, a correction to the AddMeta attribute and one new option for the  AddBodyClass att...
Posted in: Skins and Templates
Today I tried to upgrade my DNN Skin Development installation from 5.3.1 to 5.6.0 I got a SQL provider error on the 5.4.0 script I did not understand at first. I got this error in 05.04.00.l...
Posted in: General
A lot of questions about skinning DotNetNuke are caused by a lack of understanding on what stylesheets are being used and for what. When I created my first skin I had the same issue. In this...
Posted in: Skins and Templates
Presenting a list of events with the DotNetNuke reports module
The reports module is an excellent way to present data from your DNN installation in an ad hoc fashion. One can use it for any table in and outside the DNN installation. In this example we will presen...
If your skin has a dark color or an image as the background, there are situations were this background is visible in the editor too. This can make it very difficult if not impossible to edit the conte...
Posted in: Skins and Templates
Since about a month I'm having issues on my development machine with my local DotNetNuke installations. Sometimes pages load so slow in the browser, I get a timeout or the page only loads only half. M...
Posted in: General
I released a new version of the Style Helper skin object on codeplex, you can download it here: http://dnnskinextensions.codeplex.com/ Documentation on this page Version 01.05.00 fixes some minor...
Posted in: Skins and Templates
YouTube Movies In Normal Content
Quite often, DotNetNuke website administrators turn to specialized YouTube modules to include a YouTube movie on their website. The good news is, however, that YouTube movies can be embedded easy enou...
Posted in: Site Administration
There are a lot of posts in the DotNetNuke forums about cross-browser issues in a DotNetNuke skin. The problem is mostly that the skin does not render the same in Internet Explorer and Firefox. As mos...
Posted in: Skins and Templates
Installing DotNetNuke on Windows 2008R2
Windows 2008r2 is good in so many ways, I can never list them all. Of course, being the server variant of Windows 7, it means you can use all the nice interface enhancements that are also available in...
Posted in: Windows Server
Getting a list of all sites served by IIS
In order to prepare for an upcoming move of all sites hosted on our webservers to a new location, one of the tasks was to list which sites are served by IIS, including all hostheaders defined for thos...
Posted in: Windows Server
Changing text styles During text editing a lot of people are confused as to what the editor does if you set a certain style to a selection of text. Sometimes the editor assignes a style to more then t...
Posted in: Site Administration
I often get data from clients in Excel or XML format, which I have to convert to some kind of XML like format. Mostly this is a one time conversion for which a custom solution is not viable....
Posted in: General
Over the years it has become more and more common practice amongst developers to separate appearance of an application from the logic behind it. There are quite a few reasons for this move. One of tho...
SEO is an integral part of content management
spell checker in DNN text editor
The DNN text editor also contains a nifty little spell checker. It is a tool that works in IE and needs to be installed on your local machine first. Once installed, it works like a breeze and hel...
Posted in: Site Administration
Using jQuery as a tool to improve the user experience of a website
These days there are ample opportunities to spice up one’s website with so-called Web 2.0 features by means of javascript functions. We have realized it on this website using jQuery library. jQuery is...
Posted in: General