DNN websites, modules, skins and support

DotNetNuke Skin Test Content

Test your DotNetNuke Skins with.
A. Example content
B. A test Portal Template
C. Page structure to import to test menu with lots of levels

This package contains content to test the CSS / Stylesheets of your skin.
It is content you can copy or import into an HTML module to see if all the "expected" elements and classes have been defined "correctly"

The elements that are in the test are H1-h6, bold, strong, italic, lists, and some DNN default classes like: .Head, .SubHead etc.
There are 2 packages:

40FINGERS Skin Test Portal Template
I have been using this Skin Test Portal Tempate for serveral years now.
For all the major issues I found I have adde a test.
If you have any suggestions, please let me know.

Demo: demo.40fingers.net/skintesttemplate

This portal Template contains several tests, including the one blow (the HTM file), but also adds:
- Image Float in text test.
- Excess content test
- Menu Items Test (short and very long menu subitems)
The pages contain descriptions of the test and in some cases how to correct the issue.

1. Unzip the Download
2. Upload both files to your Portals/_Default folder.
3. Create a site using this Template.
Alternatively you can overwrite existing portal using the Admin > Site Wizard
Because this template is generated on DNN 5.6.3 you can get an error in DNN 6, that the Minimal Extropy skin cannot be found, once you open the "new" site.
Simply assign your own skin and container for the Portal and you should be fine.

Tested on DNN 5.6.3 - DNN 9.3

Raw HTML Content to paste in the source view of the HTML editor (works for all versions of DNN)
1. Open the htm file in a text editor
2. Select all text and copy the text
3. In DNN Place an HTML module on a page
4. Edit the content of the Module
5. Switch to source view in the editor
6. Paste the text you copied before
7. Save the HTML module

  • If you think there are elements or classes missing, please post them and I'll add them.*

Test page trees
Page structures you can import using the pages module.
ABC, 123 menus, with 5 to 10 levels to test your menu's


Skin Test : Portal Template - 03.00.00 โˆ’

Released: 28 July 2020

Release notes:

DNN 9 compatibility

Improved: 1

  • DNN9

    Compatible with DNN 9

Skin Test : HTML Content - 02.06.00 โˆ’

Released: 24 February 2020

Release notes:

Added DNN Interface elements like Tabs and Buttons

Added: 1

  • DNN Elements


Skin Test : Pagetree - 02.05.00 โˆ’

Released: 1 November 2016

Release notes:

1755 pages in 3 versions:

A. Page-1-1 etc.

B. Page-A-A etc.

C. Page-Alpha-Alpha etc.