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DNN websites, modules, skins and support

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DNN Products and Solutions

40Fingers has built numerous DNN solutions with custom modules. Some of these modules are available to everyone (Open Source), many modules have been built specifically for customers.

Examples of open source solutions:

  • Style helper skin object
    A skin object to (conditionally) manipulate DNN style-sheets, JavaScript, meta-tags, etc.
  • DNN Demo skins
    A collection of DNN Demo Skins
  • DNN Skin test content - Demo
    A pre-configured Portal Template to test DNN skins.
  • DNN Page Language Module - Demo
    A DNN module which allows you to overrule the language of a page, this means you can create a single page with a different language.
    This is useful for site that has only a few pages translated.
  • DNN Edit Skin Text Skin Object
    Skin object that allows an adminsitrator to edit text in the skin in Edit mode.
  • DNN FontAwsome Icon Skin Object
    Skin object that allows an adminsitrator to select a container Icon in Edit mode
  • Mollie connector for NB Store
    Connector for Mollie as payment provider in NB Store
  • Related Pages module
    With this module you can relate a page to other pages (one of two ways) and show a list of related pages
  • Cookie Consent module
    Show cookie consent warnings on a DNN site

Customer-specific solutions:

  • Custom authentication providers
    We have created a solution for 2-factor authentication, active directory authentication
  • Twitter module
    Showing tweets from lists of twitter accounts
  • Ideal payments
    Making payments with a direct link with iDeal
  • Survey Module
    To create complex surveys

And many, many others.

DNN Products and Solutions

Client-specific and open source DNN modules and skinobjects