DNN websites, modules, skins and support

Free DNN demo theme / skin by 40FINGERS

The following 3 themes demonstrate some DNN theming techniques.
These DNN themes are only created for demo purposes, not production use.
Scroll down for demo and download links.

DNN DDR Menu Examples

DDR DNN Demo skin / theme Download

DNN DDR Demo Skins - 01.07.03

Released: 19 April 2023

Release notes:

Added Razor Object Print example

DNN DDR Demo Skins - 01.07.02

Released: 11 July 2022

Release notes:

Added some small fixes

DNN DDR Demo Skins - 01.07.00

Released: 19 June 2019

Release notes:

Fixes some DNN 9 compatiblity issues.
(removed DNN 6 examples)

Fixed : 1

  • DNN 9 issue for DNN version check

    (no needed any more)

DNN DDR Demo Skins - 01.06.02

Released: 18 May 2019

Release notes:

Small fixes

DNN DDR Demo Skins - 01.06.01

Released: 19 June 2017

Added: 2

  • Alpabetical Menu Demo

    Shows how to create an Alphabetical menu using XSL

    Demo site
  • XSL Dump XML demo

    Shows how to create dump the menu's XML, useful to get started with an XSL menu

    Demo site

DNN DDR Demo Skins - 01.06.03


Improved: 1

  • Target added

    Added support for the page "target" (Page Link > Open in new Window) to most base templates


    Tokens: <a href="[=URL]" target="[=TARGET]">[=TEXT]</a>

    XSLT: <a href="{@url}" target="{@target}">

    Razor: <a href="@node.Url" target="@node.Target">@node.Text</a>

DNN Framework Attributes Demo Theme

DNN Framework Attributes Demo Skins

This skin package shows you some of the DNN Framework data you can use in your skins (just like you can use <%=SkinPath%>)
The documentation and examples are hard coded in the skin (there are no skin objects in the skin but one ContentPane)
Demo: https://demo.40fingers.net/dnn-framework-attributes-demo-skin/Security

Github: https://github.com/40fingers/DNN-Theme-Framework-Attributes-Demo

There are 4 versions:

  1. Portal Attributes
  2. Page Attributes
  3. Skin and Container Atributes
  4. Security related attributes

*Use of this skin.*
For all the examples to work, you will have to apply the skin to a page which is at least on level 2 (Level 0 being the root)
Also the portal should have a home and splash page set.

*Some of the examples in the skin:*
Portal URL / Alias = PortalSettings.PortalAlias.HTTPAlias
Portal ID = PortalSettings.PortalAlias.PortalID
Portal Description = PortalSettings.Description
Portal Name = PortalSettings.PortalName
Portal Admin Email address = PortalSettings.Email
Portal home folder = PortalSettings.HomeDirectory
Link to Home page = NavigateUrl(PortalSettings.HomeTabId)
Link to Splash page = NavigateURL(PortalSettings.SplashTabId)
Link to Host page = NavigateURL(PortalSettings.SuperTabId)
Link to Admin page = NavigateURL(PortalSettings.AdminTabId)

Page Description = PortalSettings.ActiveTab.Description
Page Link = PortalSettings.ActiveTab.FullUrl
Page Name = PortalSettings.ActiveTab.TabName
Page Title = PortalSettings.ActiveTab.Title
Page Keywords = PortalSettings.ActiveTab.KeyWords
Page Keywords = PortalSettings.ActiveTab.TabID
Page Level = PortalSettings.ActiveTab.Level

Download DNN Framework Attributes Demo Skin

DNN Framework Attributes Demo Skins - 01.00.05

Released: 3 August 2023

Added: 1

  • Role filter example

DNN Framework Attributes Demo Skins - 01.01.04

Released: 11 July 2022

Release notes:

Minor additions

DNN Framework Attributes Demo Skins - 01.01.01

Released: 19 June 2017

Improved: 1

  • Restructured Skins and Files
    Please uninstall first if you installed a previous version.

DNN Includes Demo Skin

This skin shows you how you can create a shared header or footer for the different skin variation in your skin package.

If you have a skin package with a lot of variations, the individual skin files often share a lot of content.
To make these kind of skin packages easier to manage a simple asp technique can be used, called includes.

Example: <!-- #include file="Includes/Header.ascx" -->

This comment will be replaced by the content of the referenced file if the page is processed.
(so the content will be placed inside the skin file, and is not a child, as is the case with a user control)

Although this is a bit "dirty" according to modern programming standards, it does work flawlessly and is easy to use. (If you get any errors, the path to the included file is incorrect)

All our demo skin make extensive use of this feature.

This is an example of an include in a DNN Theme

DNN Demo Skins

Examples of DNN skinning techniques
