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DNN Related Pages module

The 40FINGERS Related Pages Module allows you to add a list of related pages to you page.
You can add one way or two way relations and the output is template based.


The default templates are located in the install folder of the module.
You can use them as an example: /DesktopModules/40Fingers/RelatedPages/Templates

You can create your own templates in the folder of the portal.


A practical example would be:


You can add a header.htm, Item.htm, Footer.htm and CSS / JS files.

They will all be loaded when added to the list folder.

Template Tokens

The following tokens can be used (in Item.htm)

Token Meaning  
[RTAB:FULLURL] Renders full URL to the page  
[RTAB:TABNAME] Renders Tab Name  
[RTAB:ICONURL] Renders URL to the Page Icon  
[RTAB:ICONLARGEURL] Renders URL to the Large Page Icon  
[RTAB:ICONIMG] IMG tag of the page Icon (if it exists)  
[RTAB:ICONLARGEIMG] IMG tag of the large page Icon (if it exists)