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DotNetNuke Style Helper Skin Object 02.05.00 Released


40Fingers StyleHelper DotNetNuke Skin Object

New in version 02.05.00

Mobile Redirect

We added a way to redirect query string parameters.
They can now be copied from the orignal URL to the Redirect URL.

For that I extended the RedirectTo attribute by adding a Querystring Parameter Token: [QS:Parameter]

This will look for a Query String Parameter and add it to the redirect URL.

Example: RedirectTo="http://m.site.com[QS:ID]"

Will look for a QueryString Parameter "ID" in the original URL and add it to the new URL
The result will be this redirect url: http://m.site.com?ID=123

New in version 02.04.01

Loading CSS / JS files

I got a request to allow loading CSS files from the Desktopmodules folder.
This is usefull if you unload all stylesheets in DNN 6.1+ using UnloadCss="\", which really unloads all styelsheets.

We added 2 path tokens to the LoadCssFile attribute:
[R] = For the root folder ("/")
[D] = For the DesktopModules Folder ('/DesktopModules/")

You can download the new version of the DotNetNuke  Skin Object here:

Full documentation here: