DNN websites, modules, skins and support

Extension Development


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Although Ventrian NewsArticles is still a widely used module in the DNN ecosystem, it has no development and support anymore. This has been the case for quite some time already, and because of the int...
Together with Tjeps Digital Agency, 40Fingers have created a Google Tag Manager Connector for DNN. While we hope it will be included in future version the DNN, we made the package available here, for ...
About EmptyModules At 40Fingers we've been creating "EmptyModules" for several years. We use them as a template for custom modules we need to build for our customers. Yes, an EmptyModul...
Sometimes you want to test your dev work on multiple devices before putting it on a test server. Of course, you will already have tested it locally, with your browser development tools, but testing on...
Some time ago, Ventrian published their SimpleGallery module as open source. Unfortunately, it was not working anymore on DNN9.2 and up. Since the module is still used quite a lot, 40Fingers stepped u...
Ventrian NewsArticles is still a very widely used News Articles module. Major drawback, however, is that is is not actively maintained anymore. The module has been published as open source by Ventrian...
Following our presentation on DNN-Connect 2018 in Limerick, Ireland, we've published the module now on GitHub and our website. We hope you will be able to put the module to good use and are looki...
Recently, one of our clients requested that a user would be able to review the translation of pages for a not yet published language on a website. And of course I needed that wihout hours of work for ...
Last year we developed an application for one the divisions within a Dutch medical university. The application truly showed the strength of DNN as a web application framework. This particular applica...
DotNetNuke normally sends out email on numerous occasions. In your development environment you mostly don't have an email server set up so these emails are not really sent. In some cases I do need to ...
Introduction Recently, Datasprings added, upon the request of one of our clients, the possibility to use iDeal as payment provider in its module Dynamic Forms. Dynamic Forms already contained support ...
Over the years it has become more and more common practice amongst developers to separate appearance of an application from the logic behind it. There are quite a few reasons for this move. One of tho...