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Style Helper version 01.08.03 released


40Fingers StyleHelper DotNetNuke Skin ObjectI released a new version of the stylehelper skin object for DotNetNuke on codeplex.

It contains a minor bug fix, a correction to the AddMeta attribute and one new option for the  AddBodyClass attribute.

Bug fix

There was a minor issue with the rendering of the page order in the body class.


AddMeta is now pipe sepatarted instead of comma seperated as a meta tag can contain commas (as suggested by Ian Robinson)

New Feature

The BodyClass attribute now allows you to inject the role a user is a member in the body tag. This allows you to address certain user role using CSS.

You could add css for logged in user, or change the background-color if an adminitrator is logged in for instance.

There is a new token for this: [UserPageRoles], which will inject a class with the role name prepended by "UPR_".

So if the user is a member of the "registered users" role and "regitered users" have view rights on this page, the generated class will be: UPR_Registered_Users.


Full documentation

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